Four Necessary Ingredients to Develop & Maintain a Vibrant, Transformational Community
Pastors, church leaders, and coaches! Is your church, group, or client stuck in their growth? Are you wondering why you are not seeing their character change? Or perhaps even your team/staff not responding to training or challenge? They are simply stuck and stagnant.
Brain science has revealed amazing findings on how God wired our brains and how that effects our spiritual growth and #discipleship journey. Our life experience first enters through the right side (relational connection; primal; experiential) of our brain then passes to the left side (information processing; logical; strategic)... which simply means that information alone does not bring about life transformation; we need these four biblical ingredients.
These four ingredients are necessary to develop & maintain a vibrant, transformational community, which in turn cultivate the "soil" needed for life-change and spiritual formation. When the soil is healthy, we will see growth.
1. TRUE JOY found through connection & relationships
2. HESED LOVE of securely attached communities
3. Well-developed group identity based on the character of Christ
4. A culture of uplifting, healthy correction
Shoot me a DM if you're intrigued; let's chat!
This content is found in the book "The Other Side of Church" by Jim Wilder and Michel Hendricks