Leading a Sustainable and Reproducible Movement at Every Level | BPM 2023


  • DBS

    DBS: The Why + The What

    The Discovery Bible Study is the primary method of disciple-making movements around the world. This method of studying the Bible is simple and reproducible and allows groups of spiritually interested people to read scripture, discovery what God is saying, and then are challenged to immediately live out what they are learning and share it with someone else.


    BLESS Rhythms

    As a follower of Jesus, you must know his overall mission before you can discover your part in the mission. We want to introduce you to the five missional practices of Jesus. We are called to model our lives after his: do what he did, and practice what he practiced. Here is a secret we have discovered: these five missional practices (BLESS Rhythms) are both how you do the mission, but also how you discover your own God-given mission for your life. Decide right now that as you learn these five missional practices you will implement them into your life for two reasons: first so that you can follow Jesus’s example in missional living, but secondly so that you can discover the mission for your own life! Free resource from Exponential.

  • Starfish

    Starfish and the Spirit Book

    The Starfish and the Spirit is about creating a culture where church leaders view themselves as curators of a community on a mission, not the source of certainty for every question and project. It's about creating a team of humble leaders "in the middle" of the church, not at the top--leaders who naturally reproduce multiple generations of leaders, from the middle out.

    Five ingredients of a disciple-making environment are pulled from this book.

  • IDE Intentional Disciple Making Environment

    Intentional Disciple-Making Environments

    There are 5 key ingredients to an environment that will help produce disciples and disciple-makers. When these 5 ingredients are present, it will help create the ideal atmosphere and culture to produce disciples who are growing in their character and calling to make a kingdom impact.

  • BPM Slide Deck

    Jason's BPM Slide Deck

    Download Jason’s slide deck that was presented at BPM 2023 in PDF form.

  • Fully Alive

    Fully Alive Digital Community

    Fully Alive is a digital platform that provides discipleship resources and interactive opportunities that you can use individually or in community with others like you. Hear stories of other disciples, partner with people making an impact, and gain access to seasoned spiritual mentors. By developing your character and calling, you become more like Jesus and live into what He created you to do.

  • Disciples Made

    Disciples Made

    Our suite of comprehensive disciple-making experiences are designed to bring real transformation to you and your faith community. Modeled after Jesus’s disciple-making rhythms, these experiences teach spiritual habits; build genuine community; encourage high investment; multiply leaders; and unleash all of God's people to become missionaries where they live, work, learn and play.

  • GPS

    GPS Assessment

    Discover your gifts, passions, influencing style, and story through this 30min assessment.

  • Assessments

    Disciple Making Assessments

    Meaningful growth starts with honest assessment. This section contains all of our primary assessments that you can use. We recommend revisiting them every six months to establish new growth goals.

    Assess: How Fully Alive you are, your Kingdom Impact, your Disciple-making Strengths, and whether or not your environments are intentionally making disciples.

  • Gloria Dei

    Discipleship at Gloria Dei

    Click to see how Gloria Dei is making discipleship accessible within a large prevailing model church in Southeast Houston, TX.
